- Carica Io - Non-Blocking I/O for PHP
- Carica Firmata - An implementation of the Firmata protocol
- Carica Chip - PHP classes representing hardware devices
First Step: Project Initialization

composer create-project carica/chip-skeleton led \ --stability=dev
Second Step: Create An HTML Interface
For the interface a simple html file is used. Just two links with an iframe set as the target. This is a basic version, some Javascript and CSS should be used to make it nicer and more usable.<html> <head> <title>Led Switch</title> </head> <body> <a href="./switch/on" target="iframe"> On </a> <a href="./switch/off" target="iframe"> Off </a> <iframe name="iframe" src="about:blank"></iframe> </body> </html>
Store the html source as "index.html" in the project root.
Third Step: Create The PHP Server
This will be a step by step description, the complete file is below and on Gist.The skeleton includes a bootstrap file that returns a board depending on your configuration. Copy "dist.configuration.php" to "configuration.php" and change it if needed.
Now open "server.php". At the top "bootstrap.php" is included to fetch a Firmata board. If the board is activated, it executes a callback. Carica Chip provides a "Led" class. For the example an instance is created. The constructor needs the pin the led is connected to. Most Arduinos have a led that is connected to pin #13 on board.
$led = new Chip\Led($board->pins[13]);
We need to deliver the html interface to the browser. Carica Io includes a http server and file routings. Add "use Carica\Io\Network\Http as Http;" to the namespace definition, create a new route and add a file delivery for "index.html".
$route = new Http\Route(); // Define html file delivery for / $route->match( '/', new Http\Route\File(__DIR__.'/index.html') );
A second route defines the switch actions. This is specific and not much source, so an anonymous function is used. For more extensive logic I suggest functors, objects that implement the magic method "__invoke()", like the file handler. The state parameter is fetched from the path. Depending on the parameter the led is switched on or off. A response is created and a string with the new state is used as content. If you don't return a response, a 404 would be send to the browser.
$route->match( '/switch/{state}', function (Http\Request $request, array $parameters) use ($led) { $ledOn = ($parameters['state'] == 'on'); if ($ledOn) { $led->on(); } else { $led->off(); } $response = $request->createResponse( new Http\Response\Content\String( $ledOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' ) ); return $response; } );
Last the http server is created and started.
$server = new Carica\Io\Network\Http\Server($route); $server->listen(8080);

I posted the full source of "server.php" including comments on Gist.
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